
Feiled interview- April, 2005

Although the frostbitten Finnish winter seems sufficient to freeze anyone’s heart, this Scandinavian stronghold has had quite the opposite effect on Anton Laurila. The lead singer of goth-rock band Feiled, he seems to have found contentment in his musical niche of the Nordic world.

            “Well I’ve got the chance to make music all the time now,” Laurila says. “That’s the best thing; I love it.” Feiled, since its 2001 inception, has provided something of a creativity outlet for Laurila. In these last few years, Feiled has released several promos and an EP, with a full-length through Poko Records (69 Eyes, Yö) on the way.

            A peaceful, placid aura is present throughout Feiled’s repertoire; the mild, rock-based track “For You” from the band’s 2004 promo is a prime example of this. “The Great Escape”, a song from the upcoming album featured on myspace.com, has launched the group into international popularity. With sonorous piano and Laurila’s poignant and touchingly subdued vocals, a magical ambience permeates the duration of the song.

            “I always try to capture a certain mood into the songs,” comments Laurila. “What comes to lyrics, I write a lot about personal experiences but also some books and poems have inspired my work. Khalil Gibran, for example. I also love Tim Burton’s movies; they have a certain vibe that I adore.”

            Feiled’s songwriting process reflects a general harmony as well. Says Laurila, “Usually everything goes together nice and smoothly. Everyone can suggest ideas and then we’ll see what happens.” He adds humbly, “Okay, I don’t want to sound like a tyrant, but because I write all our songs I also like to make the final word in the studio. The songs are so important to me.”

            The most recent studio trips have staged already-evident success for the group. Their debut full-length disc entitled “Midnight Poems”, a melodic album with a few dashes of Muse and a hint of A Perfect Circle, is due to be released on 13 April, 2005. Featured tracks will include the aforementioned “The Great Escape” as well as “Heaven’s Falling Down”, “Frontier”, and the first single, “Lost”.

            Laurila adds that he feels this album will be an even more accurate showcase of the group’s creative abilities and unique qualities than the prior releases. “It tells how Feiled sounds,” he contributes, “and most importantly, it tells you how Feiled feels.”

            The fans, notorious makers and breakers of bands throughout history, remain particularly loyal and dedicated to Laurila and crew. “They have given us encouragement,” he says with gratitude, “and believe in what we do.”

            “My goals for the future are very simple,” Laurila concludes. “Continue making music and go out and play it to the people!”